Tonight I'm convicted about busyness.
I keep asking myself these questions. . .
Did Jesus' disciples aim to stay busy so they would feel productive and like they were doing their job?
Were they constantly tired and worn, bags heavy under their eyes and their hearts feeling overwhelmed because of all that needed to be done still after a busy day?
Did they struggle with feeling inadequate because their house wasn't big enough, their car not new enough and their clothes not nice enough?
Were they in constant pursuit of a career, an identity that they would associate themselves with for their lifetime?
As a 20 year old whose newly married and trying to "figure out" what I'm supposed to do with the rest of my life it's so easy to drop all that I'm doing pursuing Christ to pursue these worldly items instead.
What is it that I will cling to when everything else fails? A job? An identity? Status? Clothing even?
Slowly, I'm learning that when I'm truly honest with myself and what the Gospel message is, it's not the size of my house or how clean it is that matters to Christ. No.
Instead it's being weary and worn at the end of the day just like the disciples were, but having a heart filled with joy because of the relationships that have been made and strengthened, the serving that has been done and the lives that have been touched by Christ at the end of it all. I don't want my career (whatever it may be) to run my life.
I don't want my accomplishments to fog the path that Christ has set before me.
I want my heart to be one that reflects Christ and all that HE has done at the end of my life instead of my heart reflecting all the small things I have done.
At this point all I know is, whatever Christ calls me to do, I want to do it well for Him. Not well for me.
At the end I want to be welcomed into heaven hearing the words so precious ringing through my ears. . . "Well done, good and faithful servant".