Fast forward to middle school when all of sudden, looking at the median salary for an archaeologist made me think it wasn't such a good idea. The dream I once tightly held onto was slipping through my fingers like water cupped in my hands. I let it go and continued on to my next dream thinking maybe a teacher is where my identity would fall.
Our culture has the devious notion that your career defines you and your career is who you are. I don't like it. It's annoying, it's unhealthy and it takes away from families, health and relationships.
I'm 21 and recently have had a roller coaster of a year trying to figure out "what I'm going to do with my life" and I've let that expectation overtake my mind. I've entertained the thought of becoming a nail tech, opening my own Etsy shop, having my own business, anything, just anything so I could tell people something AWESOME when they ask those few little words, "What are your plans after you graduate?"
I've learned to hold on to my dreams loosely. Very, very loosely and not find my hope or identity in them. I've learned the hard way that when I do, I find disappointment and selfishness. Instead, I'm slowly choosing to find my hope and identity in Jesus again. "When hopes are crushed & dismembered, you must learn the One hope that can never be destroyed" (1 John 4:10) - Powlison, Christian Counseling & Education Foundation
Right now my goal/dream is to become a counselor and someday open my own Christ centered health & wellness center. God continues to press this on my heart and following this conviction is what I'll do.
Please don't get me wrong. I'm not some WrestleMania character called, "The Dream Crusher" coming to stomp on all your goals and ambitions and hit them with chairs and throw them against chain link fences. Not at all! I don't think God puts dreams, passions in our hearts just for "funsies". They are there for a reason, my friends.
Last night, I made my own dream/vision board.
I would love to have all these things accomplished in the next 10 years. If I do, awesome. If not, I can say I tried!
It's perfectly OK to stay focused and have goals and dreams in our lives. I think when we begin to worship these dreams and goals like I have, is when it has potential to overstep boundaries and become unhealthy. So many plans that I have made in my life have never ended well. When I follow the plan God has for my life is when it ends very, very well. Much better than something I could have ever orchestrated.
I don't think Jesus was so much about "following our dreams" or "reaching your potential". I think instead, He was more concerned about our everyday lives and following Him and showing Him to the people we encounter on the daily. You pickin' up what I'm puttin' down? :) I would love to hear your thoughts and stories on this if you ever want to grab coffee!
Ok, on to food! Yes! I love food. It's so good and I love eating food that tastes good AND is good for you! Thank you God for that gift! Here's our meal plan for the week! Sorry it's a few days late! :( Scout's honor it will be on time from now on!
Turkey Wrap w/ Guac
Granola w/ Greek Yogurt & Strawberries
Turkey Wrap
Paleo Burgers
Breakfast Frittata
Cobb Salad
Lettuce Wrap
Free for all - Egg scramble?
Turkey Wrap
Slow Cooker Ribs w/ Sweet Potato Fries